Benefits of eDiscovery Assessment & Education

  • Ensure eDiscovery Competence

    Ensure that your team can identify the critical legal and technological issues in your case.

  • Better Serve Your Clients

    Uncover critical digital evidence and provide legal hold and preservation of ESI advice.

  • Protect Your Team

    Avoid Court sanctions, ethical problems and losing your case.

Avoid the Consequences of eDiscovery Incompetence

  • Avoid Losing Cases

    You can lose cases if you don't know the in's and out's of eDiscovery. Failure to Uncover digital evidence can result in expensive verdicts and loss of clients.

  • Avoid Court Sanctions

    Sanctions against lawyers continue to increase for failing to preserve and disclose relevant electronically stored information (ESI).

  • Avoid Ethical Issues

    Ethical competency rules in 40 states now require lawyers to understand "benefits and risks" associated with [eDiscovery] technology

Featured Free Webinars

We offer free replays of our webinars featuring industry thought leaders discussing current eDiscovery topics. Webinars can be applied for CLE credit.

  • Free

    FreeWebinar Replay: "Virtual Practice" and Your Ethical Responsibilities in Our "Surveillance" State

    eDiscovery Education Center hosted the virtual webinar of 2021: "Virtual Practice" and Your Ethical Responsibilities in Our "Surveillance" Society with speakers Lynda Shely and Judge Ron Hedges (ret.).
    Get Now
  • Free

    FreeWebinar Replay: State of Technology Assisted Review (TAR): What is it and the Legal Issues, Benefits, and Protocol Agreements Surrounding this Critical Search Methodology

    eDiscovery Education Center is hosting a virtual webinar on the increasingly complex and important area of search terms in technology-assisted review (TAR) featuring two to the most high profile TAR experts in the country, Judge James Francis (ret.) and Judge Andrew Peck (ret.).
    Get Now

Why Pursue eDiscovery Education Center Courses?



We offer four levels of professional certification that provide the highest industry standard of confirmation of your eDiscovery skills and provide opportunity for advancement of your career as a paralegal, eDiscovery specialist, or other legal or technical professional. We also provide digital badging to promote your certification via social channels and expanded job opportunities.

Our four certifications are:
- Certified eDiscovery Master
- Certified Eight Phases of Pretrial eDiscovery Specialist
- Advanced Certified eDiscovery Specialist
- Basic Certified eDiscovery Specialist
  • CLE Credit
    Designed with busy attorneys, paralegals and other legal professionals in mind for up to 3 hours of ethics credit

  • Highest Level of Instruction
    Taught by one of the most forefront scholars in the eDiscovery industry along with partners from across the industry to elevate our instruction

  • Premier Industry Course Material
    Structured development of concepts intended to strengthen your knowledge based on Michael Arkfeld’s eDiscovery Publications, the premier eDiscovery texts in the legal field

  • Accessible to Everyone
    A group pricing model to make it affordable to all teams with on-demand courses enable self-paced learning that best fits your schedule

Are You and Your Team Proficient in eDiscovery?


Test Your Knowledge and Your Team's eDiscovery Competency

If a lawsuit were reasonably anticipated would you be able to identify legal hold issues, preservation requirements or search protocols? Take our short assessment test to determine your ESI proficiency or better yet have your entire team take the test.
  • Discover you & your team's shortcomings
  • Reveal your instruction needs
  • Remedy the problem

Accolades for Arkfeld eDiscovery Training

Gained Deep Understanding

Gordon D. Cruse, Esq., Certified Family Law Specialist

If anyone needs to gain an in depth understanding of the e-discovery process then this is the course I would definitely recommend. Thanks to this course I have gained a deep understanding of how to manage an e-discovery project, I have become aware of issues to consider at each stage of the process and I have enhanced my functional knowledge of how to collect, process, review and produce electronically stored information.

Michael's Course is a Must

Joe Maio, California Department of Justice, Technical Support Staff

Michael Arkfeld's breadth of knowledge on the universe of ESI law, and his ability to practically and clearly communicate that knowledge, made the information presented in his online eDiscovery and Digital Evidence Course (and related publications) both easily attainable and immediately applicable to our day to day case management and office operations. Not only did Michael open our eyes to the liability issues related to ESI, but through his tips and advice for on the ground application, Michael also changed the way we practice law. Whether a seasoned attorney, a new admitted to the bar, or simply as one who is collaterally involved where legal discovery and ESI are at issue, Michael's course is a must.

Exactly What I Was Looking For

This is exactly what I was looking for in content, and the written materials and convenient learning environment greatly exceeded my expectations. I am a judge in California who has encountered ESI issues, and I became convinced that neither I nor most of the attorneys before me know much about the subject. This class has helped me tremendously in developing an understanding and working knowledge of the area, and the written materials will be extremely helpful in the future. While my enthusiasm would lead me to publicly endorse the course and provide a testimonial, my ethical obligations do not -- which is why I answered the next question "no" (next question was "Can we use your name with your comments?")

Best Online eDiscovery Course Available

Rob Robinson, Orange Legal Technologies

I believe you have the best online eDiscovery course available. I have searched for other eDiscovery courses when preparing discovery requests and have not found anything else that compares to yours. Wonderful course and extremely beneficial. As a person who has to explain eDiscovery to other litigation staff and to clients, this course has provided a basis of terminology and structure to eDiscovery, which helps me to educate others.

Education resource of choice.


The treatise has become the textbook of choice for the the federal and California Departments of Justice, law schools and has been purchased by more than 10,000 of the top law firms, corporations, service bureaus, government organizations, law schools and libraries across the country.

Relevant, clear, to the point.

Georgetown eDiscovery Training evaluator

Michael is relevant and on point. He communicates clearly. His materials are excellent.

Great speaker, great format.

Georgetown eDiscovery Training evaluator

Michael Arkfeld was the perfect speaker on this important topic. The format worked well because it meshed the various written materials.

Great exposure to the real world of electronic discovery

Evan Benjamin, IT Specialist and former Master Course student

This course forced me to view eDiscovery from a litigator's point of view and has actually got me interested in going to law school and eventually become a Special Master like Judge Facciola or Craig Ball. I am hoping to contribute my IT expertise in some manner to future cohorts of this course and I would like to keep up with all of Michael Arkfeld's publications and courses. Thanks for a great exposure to the real world of electronic discovery and also for making this course intellectually challenging and interactive.

Michael Arkfeld is a superb educator

Deborah Balbour, Paralegal and former Master Course student

I highly recommend this course. Michael Arkfeld is a superb educator. His treatises are an invaluable tool for learning and referencing in practice. I believe the interactive online platform of the course promotes an ability to grasp real situations and many nuances of working in all phases of eDiscovery litigation.

The course successfully bridges the gap between IT and the law

Barbara Ann Johnson-Stokes, Esq.

This course prepares an attorney with the foundational knowledge regarding ESI that is necessary to have in order to avoid sanctions, ethical issues and malpractice claims when it comes to handling a case involving ESI. The course successfully bridges the gap between IT (Information Technology) and the law in such a way that makes it easily understandable as well as enjoyable. I stumbled upon this course and am so fortunate that I did. I highly recommend it.

We Work With Leading Organizations Throughout the Legal World

Learn more about them and how your organization can partner with us.

Your Instructor

Michael Arkfeld – eDiscovery Expert

  • 20 Years of Teaching and Litigation Experience
  • Author of Acclaimed eDiscovery Publications
  • Former Assistant United States Attorney
  • Recipient of National eDiscovery Awards

I'm passionate about helping legal professionals identify, understand, and apply eDiscovery technological and legal principles.

Our Courses are Based on the Acclaimed Arkfeld Publications

Michael Arkfeld's Treatise on electronic Discovery is peerless among Publications. No other volume offers the encyclopedia treatment of the topic and its depth and breadth of scholarship. Michael Arkfeld lucidly weaves practical knowledge gleaned from years at the bar with the professorial commitment to case law and best practices.
Craig Ball Attorney and Special Master

Arkfeld publications used as course content include:

  1. Electronic Discovery in Evidence 4th edition (treatise)
  2. Best Practices for Electronic Discovery and Evidence
  3. Best Practices for ESI Pretrial Discovery - Strategy and Tactics
  4. Best Practices for Legal Hold
  5. Information Technology Primer for Legal Professionals

Ensure your eDiscovery Competence Today!

Avoid losing cases,
Avoid court sanctions,
Protect you and your client.
Now at our lowest price ever!